Kellyco Electrical Services

Kellyco Electrical Services is a commercial electrical contracting company, with over 30 years experience in the Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia.


Gold Master Electrician

ME Safety – Pro is a comprehensive safety management system. It was built to satisfy the system requirements of AS/NZS 4801 (Safety), AS/NZS 14001 (Environment) and ISO 9001 (Quality) so businesses who are triple certified, working towards it or just want that higher level of safety system, have a system that meets their needs. The system is supported by the team at MEA who use their industry experience and knowledge to build practical and sound WHS processes and procedures for members to adapt and adopt for their own needs. Secure in the knowledge MEA has a team of experienced safety and electrical practitioners available to assist ME Safety users with any queries.

Fibre Optics Networks
Install - Terminate - Expand

Control Panels
Design - Install - Maintain

A Few Completed Works



October, 2020

Electrical Contracting,
Low Voltage Reticulation,
Electrical Pillars,
Electrical Switchboards,
Switchboard Modifications.
Steel Conduit works,
Pit systems,
Large Cable Hauling,
Lightning Protection Systems,
Light and Power systems,
Street & Area lighting
Earthing System


Nth Stuart Hwy Duplication

February, 2020

Electrical Contracting,
Low Voltage Reticulation,
Electrical Switchboards,
Electrical Pillars,
Steel Conduit works,
Pit systems,
Medium Cable Hauling,
Street lighting,
Earthing Systems,
Australian Standards Compliance Testing and Certification


Alice Springs Supreme Court
- Lift & Genset

December, 2018

Electrical Contracting,
Low Voltage Reticulation,
Electrical Switchboards,
Switchboard Modifications and Additions,
Medium Cable Hauling,
Generation Installation
ATS, Automatic Transfer Switching modifications
Control systems and cabling